USCPFA Helps to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries (CPAFFC).
Led by USCPFA President Barbara Harrison and Treasurer Charles Petersen, a special delegation of 10 USCPFA leaders at the chapter, region, and national level went to China May 8-21 to help celebrate Youxie’s 50th anniversary. It was a special treat to participate with delegations from the friendship societies of Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, both in the formal events like the Friendship Forum and in chats on the bus, at meals, and after hours. During the all-day Friendship Forum in Chongqing, we heard about the activities of each friendship society and of Youxie at the national and provincial level, and discussed our common challenges, hopes, and plans. Madame Li Xiaolin, who was instrumental in planning this event, expressed the hope that this Friendship Forum would be the first of many.
Who are the Chinese Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries ? Visit their web site. |
This web site has been broken up for easier viewing, especially for those of you on dial up as there are a lot of pictures to see. As time permits, we will also have a report of the events of the Friendship Forum in Chongqing, and the Celebration in Beijing. For now, I hope you enjoy the trip. |
The USCPFA delegation included people from all four USCPFA regions. Delegates included National Board President Barbara Harrison and Treasurer Charles Petersen, two regional presidents (Bob Sanborn, Midwest Region) and Rose Ellen Stanbery, Southern Region, three chapter presidents (Barbara Cobb, Nashville and National Board Member, Ruby Fong Sacramento, Duane Finger Sarasota), and two people active primarily at the chapter level (Al Abati New York and Jill Dye of Sarasota). As you have time, take a look at the people from the 50th Anniversary Trip. |
Our first stop was the Shanghai Urban Planning Center and Exhibition Hall and I was very impressed. What a birds eye view of the city. |
The Huamu Community Culture Center is a marvel for people from the community of all ages to participate in and learn so many different activities. You wish every city and town had one of these. |
We got to visit one Man who is a collector of some of the most incredible clocks to be found outside of a museum. |
The next part of the trip was to Chongqing, Dazu County and Chengdu. For more travel pictures of our journey, go to Dazu County. |
All photographs, except where otherwise noted, taken by Robert Sanborn. |